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Navigating the Halls: My Journey as a Volunteer at EvergreenHealth Medical Center

My volunteering gig at Evergreen Health Medical Center has been quite the journey! Before I even stepped foot onto the hospital floor, I had to go through a bunch of trainings. Like, a bunch. They were pretty important though. First up was learning how to handle a wheelchair. I thought I knew how to push one but turns out there’s a proper technique. Who knew?

Then there was the hospital layout training. Man, that place is like a maze! But after a few sessions, I started to get the hang of it. Next on the list was all about privacy and HIPAA. That’s some serious stuff. They drilled it into us how important it is to keep people’s info safe and confidential.

And oh boy, the hospital code training! I never knew there were so many codes for different emergencies. It’s like learning a whole new language. But hey, now I know what to do if I hear code blue or code red announced over the intercom.

After all those trainings, I finally got to start my first shift. I was nervous, but also excited to finally put all that learning into action. Turns out, volunteering at Evergreen Medical Center isn’t just about helping out; it’s about being prepared and making sure you know your stuff. And honestly, I’m grateful for all those trainings because they’ve made me feel more confident in my role here. Bring on the helping!

Volunteering at Evergreen Medical Center has been such a fulfilling experience! There have been so many rewarding moments, but one that really stood out was when I got to help a patient find their way to the clinic. They looked sort of lost wandering around the halls, so I went up to them and asked if they needed help. Turns out, they were trying to find the clinic for their appointment and also the escalator to get there. I was able to guide them there, and seeing the relief on their face was just priceless. I got to hear a few kinds in return “you are really sweet and attentive”. It felt amazing to make a difference, even in a small way, and it showed me just how much of an impact I can have on people’s lives.

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