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Navigating the Medical Maze: My Adventures Volunteering at Kaiser Permanente Hospital!

Bustling into the Hospital

Stepping into KP Volunteering, I was greeted by a lady at the front desk beaming like the sun. Her warmth instantly put me at ease. After a quick chat about volunteering, she pointed me upstairs to the volunteering department.

Dressing the Part

Upstairs, I received a neon green T-shirt that screamed ‘Thrive’ and a badge with codes—my backstage pass to the hospital. The coordinator led me through a maze to a keypad and granted me access. Finally, we found ourselves in the lair of two nurses working diligently.

Code Cracker and Label Master

I dove into the world of previsit paperwork—these golden nuggets held the key to a patient’s history, from favorite childhood pets to current medications. My task? Printing stickers for lab work and specimens, like an arts and crafts project, but with medical records.

In the Doctor’s Den

I shadowed a doctor who had two rooms reserved for his patients. In one of these rooms, an elderly patient with a sweet tooth for apples mentioned her blood sugar rollercoaster. The doctor’s advice? Peel before you munch!

The doctor was a time maestro, preferring phone visits to keep everyone punctual. He had a jam-packed day, seeing more patients than a pizza joint during the game day rush.

Lunch Break – for Some!

While the hospital crew dashed for lunch, I stayed behind, ensuring I’d stapled those previsit papers better than my school essays.

Post-Lunch Rush

Post-lunch was like the hospital equivalent of rush hour. Patients flooded the pharmacy, the halls echoing with the symphony of medical chatter.

Dr. Marvel and the Diverse Patients

Our main doc, an internal medicine wizard, saw patients from all walks of life—ages 20 to 90. The majority? Seasoned pros in their 60s and 80s.

Some came in for vaccines, and I happily provided the golden stickers for the nurse, feeling like the keeper of the magical medical stickers.

Meet the Incredible Patients

One unforgettable highlight was meeting a blind patient who radiated warmth and cheer, engaging the doctor in a lively chat. The nurses, superheroes without capes, juggled tasks with the grace of a ballet dancer, especially with patients needing a bit more time.

Hospital Life: Behind the Scenes

A patient popped in just for a quick blood pressure check, no doctor needed—proof that hospitals are a hub of diverse tasks and talents.

Wrapping Up

After lunch, the nurses gathered for a meeting but lamented the lack of time for a quick morning check-in with the provider.

My day at KP Volunteering was a rollercoaster of learning. I got a backstage pass to the hospital circus, witnessing the dedication of healthcare heroes and the intricate dance of patient care. This experience only deepened my passion for medicine, leaving me buzzing with excitement for the thrilling journey ahead as a future doctor!

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